Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oops... I did it again

I wanted to send an apology to all of my hungry readers.  This weekend I didn't bake anything.  I was a complete lazy bum.  So for that I apologize.  And, I probably will not be baking again until Thursday and the coming weekend.  So you will just have to wait with anticipation to see what concoctions I come up with. 
But, in the mean time, allow me to take this time to explain Freschly Baked, because I don't believe I have.

Welcome, this is Freschly Baked... on a budget.  A food blog I have created that is strictly about foods you can bake while pinching your pennies.  Well, not strictly baked goods, but as close as possible.  Baking is a big hobby of mine, so I thought, why not share it with the world.  My husband and I are on a budget, so I've had to be creative with what I can bake. 
Thus far I have created muffins, mac'n cheese, bark, cupcakes and numerous other delicious numbers.  You can see some of their pictures in a slide show on your right.  My hope is that the recipes I find/create and share with you will entice you to try them out on your own and tell me about them.  And any advice you may have, please feel free to share it!  My blog is always open.

P.S. Feel free to check out the 'Really?!' section of my blog.  It's a nice break from the baking world.

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