Monday, February 14, 2011

Comfort for your Valentine

It comes once every year.  It's celebrated by couples and loathed by singles.  Valentine's Day has a love-hate relationship with many of us, depending on our situations.  For many years I wanted so much to enjoy Valentine's Day.  I always wanted it to be like the movies, go out to dinner and receive a dozen red roses.  Looking back, I think I did it one better.  During college my dad would surprise me with 4 chocolate covered strawberries, and I would share them with my best friend and college roommate, who's now husband was 2 hours away.  We would make our favorite meal and share the strawberries as a dessert while we watched a good movie (usually The American President).
This year, for the third year in a row, I have had the opportunity to spend Valentine's Day with my now husband, Brian.  Our first Valentine's Day as a married couple.  We shared Asian inspired cuisine, which has seemed to become routine each year, and washed it down with a nice bottle of red wine... while kicking each other's butts in Wii.  As a gift for each other we decided to only give each other cards.  None of the Hallmark hulabaloo for this couple.  Brian made me a homemade card with one of the best quotes I have ever read.  I loved it.  I, decided to make mine edible.  Brian said the only thing he wanted were chocolate chip cookies.  So this is what I did...

I created my card, only mine was edible.  I figured, the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach.  So I made Brian's chocolate chip cookies, but I added my own twist to it.  He had requested that I make them similar to his mom's cookies, so I did my best.  I even added extra chocolate chips to make them chunkier and, well, chocolatier (if that is a word).  They turned out tasting pretty good.  He and I both agreed that there was something missing, but I followed the directions and am sure I didn't miss anything.  Before I start baking, I ALWAYS set all of the ingredients out so I don't miss anything.  Ever since I made pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving without sugar, I always double check myself.  So I'm not sure what exactly the cookies were missing, but they were still melt-in-your-mouth Good.  We now have 3 dozen cookies, 6 shaped like hearts, to eat all on our own!  (P.S. To help shape the hearts, use a heart shaped cookie cutter.  Just make sure you spray it with cooking spray to keep from sticking)

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