Thursday, February 17, 2011


I know the subject has nothing to do with baking (minus beer bread and beer butt chicken), but I have to share with you what I have learned.  I'd like to start off by saying that I probably have one of the best jobs in the world.  I have had the opportunity to help create a Beer Club and Wine Club at work; and last night was the first Beer Club.  Our meeting was at the Flying Bison Brewing Company, and if you haven't had a chance to visit you are missing out.  But anyways, at Beer Club we learned all kinds of things about beer: different regions that brew, the different types and kinds of beer, how you make beer, the best temperature to drink beer... I could go on and on and on.  But here are some things that I remember that I'd like to share with you. 

-There are two types of beer that all beers fall under:  Lager and Ale.  Lagers are generally lighter in color whereas Ales are generally darker, this is due to the amount of malt (barley), and flavor of malt that is added to the mix.  This also affects the flavor of the beer as well.
-Skunked beer will not kill you, it just tastes bad.  The taste of the beer changes because of the amount of light shown on it.  The longer the beer is exposed to light, the worst it will taste.
-Temperature will give beer different tastes.  For example, Lagers are to be drunk cold while Ales are to be drunk more at room temperature or slightly chilled.  If you drink an Ale that is freezing cold, it will have a different taste than it would at a warmer temperature, such as 68 degrees (which is the temperature the Flying Bison brews their beer at).  So in the summertime when it's hot drink a Lager, and in the winter, an Ale. 
-Glasses affect the way beer tastes.  Lagers are to be drunk in a glass that is skinner at the bottom than the top, and Ale glasses should be wide all the way around.  Compare it to a wine glass.  If you were to drink beer out of a wine glass, you would drink a Lager out of a champagne or white wine glass and an Ale out of a red wine or brandy glass.  The correct shape of the glass will give the consumer exactly what the brewer wanted them to experience.
-Beer cured the bubonic plague.  No really, it did.  Monks brewed it and shared it with the people, diverting them from drinking contaminated water.  If you would like the full story, feel free to contact me.  It's just to long to type!
-You can make beer and sell it within one week.  It's all in how you brew it.
-The foam in your glass is termed 'head' and the carbonated bubbles around the edge are called 'Belgian Lace.'  It is a good thing to see in your glass.  It means your beer is carbonated. 
-Taste test and drink beer as though you would wine.  Swirl it around in your glass, smell it, etc.  Just don't spit it out.  With beer you swallow. 

I hope this filled your educational glass for the day.  If you ever have a chance to visit a brewery, do it!  You will have a great time. 


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