Monday, January 17, 2011

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. day everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed yourselves on your day off, celebrating or doing what you needed to do.  This morning Brian and I woke up and enjoyed some pancakes while watching absolutely nothing on television.  The pancakes were OK, but the bacon on the side was the cherry on top.  As we got our day going, we each did our own thing.  Brian did some work from home while I worked on the blog! 
Today's entry is all about banana muffins.  I made some basic muffins from Home and Garden Cookbook and they turned out pretty well.  I was debating on whether to add chocolate chips to the muffins, or to just make banana bread, but I decided against both.  And no nuts.  Today was a nut-free day.  I figured basic muffins would suffice. 
I added 4 bananas to the mixture to make them extra flavorful, and added a suggested strussel to the top. 
They smelled amazing while they were baking.  I love how baking fills your home with such good smells.  They turned out moist and full of flavor.  I highly recommend adding muffins to your menu.  Just make a basic muffin and throw in whatever fruit you're in the mood for, but I'm sure some will work better than others.  For 180 calories, it's much better than grabbing a candy bar. 

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