Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Celebrate your Cinco de Mayo with Flank Steak Tacos and Guacamole

Please allow me to start off this post by saying that I love Mexican food.  I'm not talking about "American" Mexican food (although that is good too), I'm talking real, authentic Mexican food.  Brian and I love trying new things, and food from all over the globe is one of those things.  There is a restaurant that we discovered in college called El Canelo that serves authentic Mexican food, and please pardon my language as I say this but it is freaking delicious!  This is no Chi-Chi's people, this is the real thing.  We frequent their Buffalo location with our good friends the Kochs and enjoy the homemade chips, salsa and delicious goodness that is Mexican food.  So this year, with the fast approaching Cinco de Mayo holiday in mind, Brian created Flank Steak Tacos smothered in sauteed peppers and onions with a spread of homemade Guacamole.  It was Mexican food Kurtz style.

*Keep this in mind:  Brian and I actually made the steak the day before.  Since the steak served 4, we cut the steak into quarters.  We saved half for the tacos and ate the other two quarters with a side of risotto and salad.  The following will explain what we used to marinate the steak and how we cooked it.   

To create your Kurtz Steak Taco you will need the following ingredients:

Marinade:  (adapted from Flank Steak Bordelaise)
1/3 cup of balsamic vinegar
1 Tbs. Worcestershire sauce
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1/4 cup of chopped onion (or 1/2 to a whole small onion)
1/2 teaspoon of fresh parsley
1/4 of Dijon mustard
2 Tablespoons of olive oil
1/2 of a lime, juiced
and salt and pepper to taste
1 Flank Steak (about 1 pound)

1 large green pepper (or a mix of colorful peppers)
1 small or medium onion (if Medium only use half)
1 package of flour tortillas
Any other condiments (diced tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, etc.) you like on your tacos.
1 ripe avocado
1 Tablespoon of fresh lime juice
1/4 cup of diced onion
2 Tablespoons of parsley
1 large tomato diced, OR 1, 14 oz. can of diced tomato with chilies (for heat)
salt and pepper to taste
From start to finish:

To marinate your steak, get a gallon plastic bag.  Fill it with the ingredients listed above starting from top to bottom.  Before you put the steak in the bag, put shallow criss crosses in the steak.  You don't want to go too deep through the steak or else you'll find yourself all the way through.  Flank steak is a thin piece of meat, so you really don't have to go that deep.
Seal the bag and place it in your fridge for about 6-8 hours or overnight.

Next, make your Guacamole.  Start by cutting the avocado in half, taking out the pit, and scooping the avocado into a bowl.  Using a fork mash the avocado until it's broken up.  Then add all of your ingredients EXCEPT for the tomato.  Mash together all of the ingredients in the bowl.  *Make sure you taste the Guacamole periodically so it doesn't get to hot (if you add the diced tomato with chili peppers) or salty, etc.  When you are about ready to serve, add the tomatoes and mix.  Then grab your tortilla chip or taco because you are ready to go!

Finally, the KURTZ TACOS!  Grab your steak and take it out of the bag.  Place the steak on a pan and discard the bag.  Place the steak under a broiler (medium to high heat) for a total of 18 minutes, turning once half way through.  Depending on the way you like your meat you may want to cook it a little longer or shorter.  18 minutes is about medium. 
Once it is done broiling, let it rest for about 10 minutes before you cut it into quarters.  Save 2 quarters to eat later, seal in a container, foil, whatever you store your meat in and refrigerate until ready.  The other two quarters, cut into strips about 1 centimeter thick, then cut those strips into bite size pieces. 
Take out a skillet and get it hot on your stove. 
Get out your pepper(s) and onion and slice into strips.  Put a little olive oil into the skillet and add the pepper and onion.  Toss them around so they get coated and begin to cook.  Cook the vegetables to your likeness.  Don't pay attention to a cookbook or, heck, even me, because we don't know how you like your vegetables.  So cook them to your likeness.  Brian cooked ours until they were soft, not soggy.  They still had a crunch to them.  At the last minute add the steak so it can warm up and add to the flavor of the vegetables.  Now you are ready to plate.

Get your flour tortillas (warm them according to package directions) and spoon some Guacamole into the center.  Spread to desired thickness.  Add your steak and vegetables and any other condiments you may wish to add.  Then roll it up and eat it!  You are good to go!


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