Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Good Morning Casserole

Good Sunday morning to you all.  I hope you had a great weekend full of smiles and laughter.I woke up this Sunday morning with the craving to make a great breakfast.  It's been some time since I've made a breakfast casserole, and I think this morning's casserole turned out well.
I made a Famer's Casserole, a "favorite" in the Better Homes and Garden's cookbook.  It required simple ingredients and very little prep time.  The longest part was the baking.  But even with that into consideration, it was a great breakfast dish.
Ingredients required were: hash browns, shredded cheese, green onions, cooked Canadian ham or bacon or sausage, milk, and eggs.  We did have hash browns in the freezer, however I decided to use fresh potatoes considering we had a whole bag to use.  So I washed them, grated them, and spread them across the bottom of a 2 quart baking dish.  If I were to make this recipe again I would bake the potatoes for a few minutes in the oven, to make them crispier.  That way the casserole would have a salty, crispy, cheesy flavor to it. 
Seven slices of bacon went into the oven to cook for about 20 minutes until almost crispy.  We (Brian and I) didn't cook the bacon all the way because it was going to cook 40 minutes longer in the casserole.  Once it was finished cooking, Brian cut the bacon so it was easy to sprinkle over the potatoes.  On top of the bacon went the cheese, onion and milk/egg mixture. 
Side note:  We did not have any green onions in the fridge as was required.  I was going to use a regular onion, however Brian made a good point in that it would most likely over power the other flavors.  So instead we sprinkled about a teaspoon of dried onion over top to give it a little onion flavor. 
Once everything was in the dish, it went into the oven at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.  I pulled it out of the oven once the buzzer went off and inserted a knife into the center to make sure everything cooked through.  It did!  And the outcome was great.  It was a satisfying breakfast that wasn't to heavy and wasn't to salty.  Just as Goldilocks said, it was "just right."

One thing that we added to the casserole that wasn't in the recipe was HOT SAUCE!  We added a little bit to our plates to add a kick to our taste buds and it was really good.  I think next time I may add a little bit to the recipe so it soaks into the entire dish.  It was a great recipe and I enjoyed it with my daily cup of coffee.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


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